Samsung Firmware Update Notification Service

Today I’d like to introduce a new service I developed the last days, the Samsung NX Firmware Update Notification Service. So what is it about? This server regularly (approx. every 8 hours) checks the web for new firmware information and in case a new firmware is found it sends a notification via e-mail. The mail contains the new firmware version, the change log and a download link. You can subscribe to this service and choose which cameras and lenses you are interested to get notifications for. The service is free of charge.

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Welcome to the blog!

This is my new blog about photography with Samsung NX. I am going to write about all stuff going on with Samsungs mirrorless camera system, lenses, accessories, rumours, photography in general etc. There is not much content yet, but I am working constantly on new articles, tests, images an so on. So keep this in mind. Any suggestions etc. are welcome. Just write me an email or comment in the blog. Enjoy…